TWO SECONDS #04: New Puppy, Sacrificing Health & NFTs
TL;DR - I got a puppy - Ruby. Sometimes we have to sacrifice our health for success. NFTs will be social signalling on steroids in X number of years.
TWO SECONDS #03: Everything Happens For A Reason & My Recent Favourites
TL;DR - No new post this time, I need to build the habit of writing 500 words a day.
The reason for everything is action. Not, "everything happens for a reason".
TWO SECONDS #02: Working At Speed, A Potential For Success
TL;DR - Successful people work don't work at speed, they work efficiently as possible that cascade as speed.
Read my very first unpublished article on potential.
A Potential For Success
Potential isn’t real, it’s a concept based on what could happen as opposed to what will. As there is nothing of substance that warrants appraisal if the words “fulfilled” or “realised” don’t follow.
TWO SECONDS #01: Intro, FB Feedback Score & It's Coming Home
TL;DR - This is my first newsletter, I hope you enjoy it!
I've also created my first blog post about Facebook's Feedback Score, if that's your thing.
Life Hacks - My Personal Collection
A collection of my personal life hacks from my newsletter.
Facebook's Feedback Score: The Definitive Guide
Are your ads being penalised? Facebook recognises Feedback Score as a factor in ad quality, potentially costing you more to reach fewer people.