Life Hacks - My Personal Collection

A collection of my personal life hacks that I share firstly on my newsletter (subscribe to see them first) and compile here later.

Tweet me and let me know which you have found helpful implementing to your life.

Life Hack #01

Sign-up for the Healthline newsletter and improve your quality of life through regular sourced health info, straight to your inbox.

I suffer from psoriasis of the scalp (didn't before 2016 so can happen to anyone) and read this article to better understand that I need to use a shampoo with at least 2-10 per cent of coal tar to stop the sleep-depriving irritation.

Life Hack #02

Invest your time where other's have invested theirs.

This is why I don't particularly like using YouTube as a source of information, as the time typically taken that's put into a video is far less than the equivalent time put into a course or a book that you can consume in the same amount of time.

Life Hack #03

Bit of a basic one too many folks but if you're like me and struggle with physical books, yet can read articles online with ease, then a Kindle is for you - it's been life-changing.

Life Hack #04

These days Twitter is full of insightful and useful threads, but the thing is, Twitter is not meant to be consumed as just one 5 minute read of a tweet come thread.

Enter, Thread Reader. Take the series of tweets and turn it into a mini-article that you can save for later with Pocket.

An example being this tweet storm by Julian Shapiro on how some of the world's best creators never miss:

Thread by @Julian on Thread Reader App
Thread by @Julian: Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, and Drake generate non-stop hits for years. What are they doing differently? Thread: How to generate way more ideas I was watching a documentary on songwriter Ed Sheeran....…

Life Hack #05

Want to improve your grip? Buy a hand gripper (like this one) and leave it on your desk. Incrementally, your strength will improve over idle pickups.

Very useful for back exercises that involve heavy lifts such as a deadlift or row.

Are there any hacks that you would add? Drop a comment.