TWO SECONDS #03: Everything Happens For A Reason & My Recent Favourites


  • No new post this time, I need to build the habit of writing 500 words a day.
  • The reason for everything is action. Not, "everything happens for a reason".

Hey Guys,

I've been debating whether or not I should publish this newsletter issue without having done a recent blog post.

When starting this I wanted to make sure each issue was jam-packed with value and not filler content because I had to put something out. Part of that was showcasing a new post that I could link to for further reading.

Turns out, writing takes a lot of time. Especially when it involves research, as with the 'How To Perform Hashtag Research On Instagram' article I'm currently working on.

I still don't want this blog to become just newsletter after newsletter, and I think mixing up the content mix with more personal takes such as 'Why Unproductive Moments Matter' will help.

But until I build the habit of writing at least 500 words a day, I may be playing catch-up with the level of output I want to produce.

Anyways, back to some real content.

Recently something didn't go in my favour and it made me think about when people say "everything happens for a reason".

I've never agreed with this common saying as to me, it's just something that we tell ourselves to mask in-action, lack of effort or simply not being good enough.

For a reaction to happen, there first needs to be an action. Whether this is walking up to a pretty girl and asking for her number or finally deciding to take the plunge into that side project you've been thinking about.

Nothing will happen without you taking action.

And for the people that do act but don't put in the hard work or have flaws in their skillset, then telling them that what happened was meant to be is a sure-fire way of enabling someone not to change, and for the thing that they wanted to happen, not to happen.

The reason for everything is action.

What's your take on this? - Send me a message.



These days Twitter is full of insightful and useful threads, but the thing is, Twitter is not meant to be consumed as just one 5 minute read of a tweet come thread.

Enter, Thread Reader. Take the series of tweets and turn it into a mini-article that you can save for later with Pocket.

An example being this tweet storm by Julian Shapiro on how some of the world's best creators never miss:

Thread by @Julian on Thread Reader App
Thread by @Julian: Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, and Drake generate non-stop hits for years. What are they doing differently? Thread: How to generate way more ideas I was watching a documentary on songwriter Ed Sheeran....…


Want to improve your grip? Buy a hand gripper (like this one) and leave it on your desk. Incrementally, your strength will improve over idle pickups.

Very useful for back exercises that involve heavy lifts such as a deadlift or row.

You can take a look at my whole collection of life hacks, here.


Album: DONDA by Kanye West - ★★★★

I miss the old Kanye. This album confirmed to me that the music I'm wanting from Kanye is gone and that he is firmly set in his sub-genre of 'religious rap'.

This is not to say that the album isn't good, because it is and there are definitely some loop-worthy tracks. However, there are only so many tracks about God that an atheist can listen to.

Album: Certified Lover Boy by Drake - ★★★★

If condensed into the best tracks, this could have been a great album. However, the second half of the record is where I struggled and I would have liked it more, had it stuck to the Take Care vibes of the beginning.

Ultimately the volume of both albums are their downfall, and so in this versus battle, I'm calling this one a draw.

Article: Why open office design makes you less productive by Aytekin Tank - ★★★★★

Published in 2018, this article was ahead of its time as the debate between office life and WFH in 2021 rages on (team hybrid).

Have you come across anything interesting recently? If so, send it my way and I’ll check it out.

Until next time,

Don’t be shy, say hi on Twitter or Instagram @andrewafeeney.

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